Monday, June 20, 2016

Free choice writing

 Free Choice Writing

Persuade, Entertain or Inform?
I am learning to communicate my ideas effectively to the reader.
You choose the topic and you choose the writing purpose. This needs to be your best independent writing for assessment. Below is the success criteria for quality writing. Use this criteria and go for it!

Success Criteria (Sentence formation has been our main focus)
Content & Ideas
Include a range of ideas with clear details.
Sentence Formation
  • Include simple, compound and complex sentences
  • Start most of my sentences with different words
Choose words and language features to meet my purpose.
Clear beginning, middle and end with paragraphs.

My best spelling with good attempts at words I don’t know.
Use all basic punctuation (capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks) correctly and attempt some complex punctuation.

                                 WHAT YOU NEED TO TRY AND FIND A YETI

Something a yeti might want to eat(optional)
Good place to hide (example tent or hut/tree house)
1 put the food somewhere near you think a yeti is hiding(if you have some)(example bush) .
2 hide in the place to hide in and wait*.
3 if you find a yeti try and take a photo with flash off.   

*remember you can look through the binoculars at any time you like.                                                    



  1. cool mac keep the work up love it

  2. wow mac that is so cool

  3. good going mat grat

  4. I only wish I had read this before we went searching for yeti on Mt Ruapehu. That was so much fun. Maybe if I had read this first we might have found one!

  5. I like your instruction on how to find a yeti Mac
    I like the topic
    awesome work mac
