Rimu hub have been working on graphs. Here is an example of a stem and leaf graph.
2 0,5,8
3 72,7,7,7,9
4 ,9
5 1,9
6 0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,
7 ,1,5,9
8 4,5,6
9 1,9
10 9,9
11 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
The first one(or two)numbers are the tens and the others are the numbers after(you cant have any 2 or more digits in this example)
I think you might need to teach me stem and leaf graphs. Am I right that the first three numbers are 20, 25 and 28? If not you may need to run a workshop on this for me. I'm impressed with all of the learning you are doing in Rimu Hub.