Wednesday, August 31, 2016

fun day

At the start of fun day I started to do the colouring in competition,we were colouring the Olympic cauldron and watching the Olympics.We saw NZ win a silver in cycling, with Great Britain get a gold(ya go Great Britain). A while later the people at fun day played  army tag (on the brown playground), it was over in about 19 seconds because almost  every one was hiding in the same pleases. I was tagged by Van.The next and best game (in my opinion) was ball-rush I think I tagged about 27 people,I was really bad at tagging,I tried so hard to tag Brayden but failed about 12 times but it felt like 1000000000,I failed. We played a mini Olympics, I was in the country(team) pink fluffy unicorns. At the end of the day the people who made it to fun day ate the cheese pancakes (and chocolate mush(optional))that Mrs Carr made.


  1. good work Mac you did a good job on this blog post

  2. Cool blog post I love the detail it was really funny well done

  3. Good on you for getting to fun day. It sounds like a blast.

  4. I liked the bit about bullrush.

  5. You didn't really fail! I didn't know I had a pink fluffy unicorn for a grandson. Good post, Mac

  6. Thanks for the comments guys.

  7. Awesome Mac! You have written this out really well and it looks really cool.
    Also good job on getting to funday! :)

    Keep Up The Great Work!!!
